The New Zealand
Shetland Pony Breeders' Society (Inc.)

The Society
The New Zealand Shetland Pony Breeders Society Inc was established in 1979.
The aims of the Society are to:
Maintain the register of Purebred Shetland ponies in New Zealand
Provide information to breeders, owners and anyone interested in the Shetland Pony
- Promote the Shetland Pony
Become a Member
All members receive a bi-monthly newsletter and you don't have to be a breeder or own a Shetland Pony to become a member.
As well as maintaining a stud book, the Society is also the voice of the Shetland Pony with Animal Welfare Organisations & Government agencies.
Click here for a membership application
The Shetland Pony
The Shetland Pony is the smallest of the British Native ponies. They are native to the Shetland Isles off the Northern coast of Scotland, where they have roamed the hills for more than 2000 years. The Islands are frequently subjected to fierce gales, rain and sleet with temperatures little above freezing. Over the centuries, the ponies have evolved characteristics such as the ability to eat seaweed, salty grasses and even drink salt water. They also possess larger nasal cavities than other breeds, which has the effect of warming the freezing air before it reaches the lungs.
The Crofters on the Islands used the ponies to carry peat and for transport. They were an essential part of everyday life. The Shetland Pony is most renowned for their role as Pit Ponies in the coal mines of England. In 1870 Lord Londonderry founded the Londonderry Stud to breed ponies for the mines. Many ponies from this stud were sold to studs on the mainland and the ancestors of these ponies were exported all over the world, including New Zealand.
Today the breed is well established in New Zealand, with the Shetland Pony proving to be very popular with both children and adults. Shetland Ponies are known for their intelligence, wisdom and strength. It is often said that they may be small in stature, but have the courage and confidence of a horse many times their size.
When purchasing a Shetland pony, ensure you ask to see the ponies registration certificate. Purebred registered ponies will have New Zealand Shetland Pony Breeders Society on their certificate and a NZSPBS registrars stamp. Ponies will either be Branded or Microchipped or both.
These details are recorded on the Registration Certificate. Our society is the only recognised and official Studbook in New Zealand. Ponies registered with NZSPBS are eligible to enter Shetland Pony sections at any Royal Agricultural Society A & P Show or affiliated Breed Show.The certificate belongs to the pony and will be sent to the new owner by the NZSPBS registrar once the vendor has paid a small change of ownership fee.
The new owner will also receive an invitation and information about joining the NZSPBS.

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